Language Translation


Spike's Biography / Written & Photos By Owner Lisa Dean

Winning Photo
Spike Came to into my life in 2001, as a 8 week old munchkin (he was smaller than a soda can). His first big outing was the weekend I brought him home to a HUGE camping event that my then boyfriend bought tickets for. He took the WHOLE weekend in stride, and it was also great for socialization! Now normally I would skip the 8th week due to its the first fear period, but because Spike is a Chihuahua I thought it would be good for him. 
When he was 6 months, I started puppy kindergarten with him.   Talking to the trainer, on a previous occasion, doing the classes, we decided to wait until he was 6 months because he was so darn little, although he always did very well with his training. His first alert came during his basic training, he would bounce on the back of my leg when I was thirsty or needed to sit for a minute, but I did not put two and two together until I met some service dog owner/trainers when I was at a dog show when he was 1 year old.  I was sitting and talking to them and wasn't listening to Spike alerting me that something was wrong. One of THEIR dogs alerted me to low sugar and as soon as I ate something Spike settled right down looked at me if to say “YA FINALLY GET IT NOW!”. So, he officially became a SD that day. I have learned a lot since then.

Spikes Stuff!

He knows about 25 tricks including: dance, pat-a-cake (his version of high 5), wave, sneeze, sing, speak, shake body and paws, bow, and a lot more.

He has 6 alerts including: seizures, low sugar, and disassociation.

Some of his favorite things: ice cream, chicken, moos (Moos are any animal standing in a field), his Grammy, older gentle kids, the ATV, and me.

ATVing (All Terrain Vehicle)...

In 2006 I started dating a lobster man in Stonington, Maine, whom introduced me to atving and I really liked it (so much fun). Spike started accompanying me on it, after my boyfriend bought me my own and NOT until I was confidant on the wheeler. As you can see in the pic he rides in the front IN his own crate that has been revamped by me. He is strapped in with a harness and a tether so he doesn't pop out during bumpy terrain. He gets his picture taken ALL THE TIME and just loves seeing the wildlife and getting doted on, on the trail. HE has various outfits to combat cold, rain, birds, sticks, and of course wears his helmet.