Target: President Obama
Sponsored by: Save Our Service Animals
President Obama,
Your appointee Attorney General Eric Holder is stripping disabled Americans of the civil rights to service animals. Mr. Holder is about to change the Americans with Disabilities Act definition of "service animal" to mean only "dog." We, the undersigned, strongly oppose taking away the civil right to non-dog service animals. Furthermore, we believe the proposed change is unconstitutional pursuant to City of Cleburne v. Cleburne Living Center, Inc., 473 U.S. 432 (1985), wherein the US Supreme Court held that public hysteria and public misperceived stereotypes do not justify government to limit disability rights. The public's misunderstanding of bona fide invisible disabilities, and their mistaken and unsubstantiated suspicions of people with invisible disabilities using service animals, does not justify changing the law so that only dogs can be service animals...